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With the Twig-function {{ assets.image(string imgurl).grayscale().src() }} you can grayscale an image on the fly. This is useful if you want to render a grayscaled version of images in the frontend, for example a list of news-boxes with preview images on the start-page.


Parameter Type Required? Description
imgurl string required A string with a relative path to an existing image.


This function return the relative path to the grayscaled image. Grayscaled images are stored in the folder /media/custom

Example Usage

Grayscale an image:

<img src="{{ assets.image(metatabs.meta.heroimage).graysacle().src() }}" />

Resize and grayscale an image:

<img src="{{ assets.image(metatabs.meta.heroimage).resize(false,500).grayscale().src() }}" />